How To Do Keyword Research - The 90% SEO Part 1
Keyword Research is the most important part of SEO, I say, it's everything in SEO. You just have to clear its concept. If you have understood the purpose of Keyword Research, then you will find your endless ways of doing it.
We know we will do it for finding the low competition keywords that can be ranked with ease depending on the age of your site and the content you write and many other factors. Those keywords are those on which no or few articles have been written when we search in Google Search Engine. So we write articles on them and rank.
These the major ways to do keyword research.
1. SEMRUSH: Yep, it's the best tool that can find keywords for you. Unfortunately, it's not free, but you can buy it for 5 to 10$. I will tell in the weekend video from where you can get. After you get this tool, put any site of which you want to get the keywords. It is important that the site you put should be written without the HTTP . Otherwise, it doesn't show desirable results.
It will show results then go to Keyword Analytics>Phrease Match. There you will see all the keywords due to which the site is ranking for. Some major websites will have millions of keywords, and new websites will have a few. If you put your site, you will see those keywords too for which you didn't rank for. (If your site is new, it will not show because it didn't index your site on its database).
The real game starts here. You will use "Advanced Filters" where you set up the following filters:
A) Volume: If your site is new, you will place 2 filters of volume. It would be Volume less than 1500 and greater than 500 (Because you can select many filters at the same time even of the same category). Keywords will be shown. You will export the file in Excel and will check the keywords.
You must keep in mind my previous episodes in which I depicted about the types of keywords and intent. Not all the keywords will be good, but some will be! In the Episodes 1 and 2
B) CPC: If you want to find keywords that have some CPC. You can set CPC greater than 0.1
C) Keyword: Keyword then select containing, I love it a lot. You will put keyword like "how to", those keywords will be shown that contain "how to" like How to charge your phone fast.
As well as you can use the same keyword containing like "Tips", those keywords will be shown those keywords that would have tips. You will find those keywords and check the result. If all the websites have written only 5 tips, you will write 10 tips and outrank them (some other factors depend on that when it comes to outranking.
D) Category: You can select a category also. If the site is huge, you can select "Health" all the keyword related to it will be shown.
2. Google Suggestion:
I love it also. If you know how it can be used. You know when you write a word in the search box, Google shows eight results (sometimes it shows a few) even before you write keywords.
Why is it useful? Suppose you write a keyword "Black Friday", the keyword "Black Friday Pakistan" will be shown. You will press enter, then you will go to the related searches, and will search for that keyword. There you will find many useful keywords.
The best of Google Suggestion is to write a keyword than type A to Z to see the result. For example, you write "Black Friday A", it shows Black Friday Amazon etc. When you write "Black Friday B" it shows Black "Friday Best Deals". It is the best, isn't? You will seem all the high competition keywords are shown there, but it's not the case. Need a proof?
Type "elegy written in a country churchyard" it is a keyword then you write L, it shows the results as which has 210 results per month and it is a low competition keyword.
Keyword competition will be discussed in the future episode. It's the first part of keyword research of this episode. I will discuss more ways to do keyword research.
As I explained , there are dozens of ways of doing Keyword Reseach. The more you clear your concepts about it, the more ways you find for doing it effectively.
3. Google Trends:
A lot of people say to use it, but don't know how to use it effectively. You should use for an hour just to check its power for finding the potential keywords. Go to, you will see its interest started growing up on 24 November and was at its peak on 25 November. (I set the filter "Worldwide" to "Pakistan", Days to "Past 7 Days". The graph shows the following things:
A) More orders were placed in Sindh as compared to Punjab.
B) Searches for "Black Friday" in Pakistan was at its peak at 12AM, 25 November.
C) Most commonly search was "Daraz Back Friday" and the most rising keyword was "khaadi black friday sale". (You can find more such keywords in the box of "Related Queries" on the Google Trends site).
What does that data mean to you? What to do Now? You will make use of this data for gaining the maximum efficiency. But How? You will keep in touch with Google Trends, you see that "khaadi black friday sale" is on rise, you sell that things with Facebook Ads or any other ways by affiliate link as I explained in Episode 3, how to earn in Pakistan from affiliate marketing.
You will also check that the keyword is low competition, you can make a site on this topic for a better ranking for the next year.
Lol, i am not abusing ! :p It's the best site considered for finding keywords! Why? Because it never stops! Just You type your keyword, and it finds keyword until you are alive! It will find such amazing keywords for you that you will never find with any tool.