How To Share Your Content On Social Media For Getting Social Signals | 4 Methods That Can Help You
In this last part, I will share something that many people ignore when it comes to sharing their articles on their Facebook page, Twitter etc.
1. Active Participation on Other Big Social Media Facebook Pages
it's one of the secrets, perhaps you will not believe until you taste it.
I give you an example for that.
I know a person who has a great efficiency in English, he made an English Page where he teaches English for Rs.5000 per month. He comments on the post of the pages where grammar questions are asked, he gives correct answers. People like its comment. In this way, he tops the comment section. People impress. People like his page. People take his course of English for improving.
2. Use Relevant Hashtag
Yes, it's important. Just sharing your articles on the Facebook page with its URL is not a good idea. Use relevant hashtag so that those people can see who are looking for the relevant information.
It's also a good idea, look at the Twitter trends, write an article on that topic of the hashtag. In this way, you can get social signals. See here how an article should be shared on Twitter
The same you should do when you share on Google Plus.
3. Never Use Thumbnail Of Your Article When You Share in Groups (Most of Cases)
If your thumbnail is showing then people would think you're sharing for the sole purpose of getting traffic.
Read the people's psychology, how you can share so that others people don't think, rather you're sharing for the sole purpose of helping.
You must copy paste the initial part of your article, then paste into the post then give the link at the bottom so that people can read the entire article.
The article must be impressive so that people click to read that.
If you're the owner of the group, or you have made authority in the community, then you can or can't apply the rule.
4. Featured Image On Facebook and Twitter With SEO Yoest:
The foremost point when you're going to share your article on Facebook, if you're SEO Yoest, you should complete this information also so that featured image and the text can be seen. See here
Because a lot of people complain that they share on their timeline or Facebook groups, the image is not shown. You can set for Twitter too.In the modern era, nobody can deny the importance of getting social signals that help in ranking as well as visibility of your blog especially in Pakistan where a lot of people can't afford paid advertisements to drive traffic and backlinks.
I will try my best to tell you the best way of sharing your content on social media that I usually do.
First of all, if you have made a new blog, you must create an account of your website on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, Youtube, Instagram, and Linkedin as ProPakistani made.
It seems a difficult job, but you must cut a time 2 to 3 hours to make the accounts as mentioned above.
Once you make the accounts, then make the great cover of Facebook Page, Twitter Page, Google Plus Business Page, Youtube Channel Art etc.
Why does it matter? Because the more,you make your business pages professional, the more it creates trust.
"The future of SEO is all about trust."
Now! You have spent around 2 to 4 hours; all have been done. You have made the accounts. You have established their well-written description. You have made appealing covers and images. You have linked your websites in their About Us section.
Now, what?
Now make a folder in Bookmark where you will place all these accounts, and you will click the folder to open all the links, you will sign in like this
by going to BookMark Manager, see here
Whenever you write an article, you will share your articles on these social media. It will also a problem because it will take a lot of time to share there too with a good way. There are many websites that can do this job auto for you like
The short story is that make a list of all the groups that are related to your niche, and save the list on Google Spreadsheet. In the 'Group Name' section, you will write the names, and in the Link, you will write the link. You will not need to find the groups whenever you share your article.
You will make a list as long as possible. Minium 50 are recommended.
Before doing it, you will never spam. Spamming is that you share the link to your article ruthlessly everywhere in the groups. You will be banned in a fraction of seconds!You have to use your brain when it comes to sharing your articles in the groups.
Before that, you have to build trust with the members of the groups. I know it would take some time, it might take a few months to do, but your hard work will never be wasted. You must target to your niche related groups only. Again, niche related groups only. You have to understand your audience of the groups how they think, what are their problems.
Another thing that is important. Not every article you will share in the group. You will share only the article that you seem it'll be shared because it has great information about the solution to the problems of the group's members.
You might be thinking, what is the problem, dude? What is the meaning of the problem?
You know every person has problems. You must spend some time in the group, and you have to read the posts, you will come to know the problems.
Still not finding the problems?
Post a question in the group, and ask "What is the problem you're facing [your niche]?" Like If you're in SEO, you can ask "What are the main problems you face when you do SEO of your site?"
If you have a travel blog, you can ask the same question. You will be bombarded with answers. You will collect the previous questions, and will write the articles.
I am sure, if you've written a great article in a professional way, your article will be approved.
Again, 80% people read your title of the article, and 40% is the role of the image you place as a featured image when you share in a Facebook group. It means your title must be great; your image must be outstanding!
You will get attention in the group members of Facebook. Spend minimum half an hour! Comment if people are asking the question. Most of the questions are easily answered by Google. Build trust!
Did I mention in the previous part, the future of SEO is all about trust?
There are a lot of niches where you don't need to get approval if you post in a group. You have to research, research and research. Don't use Facebook for FUN only! Observe the people. Their emotions. Their feelings. Their problems. Observe everything! Everything Means Everything! Trust Me! You will Enjoy!
These are the followings:
I will explain 6 factors by which you can reduce your bounce rate.
These are the followings:
1. Good Internal Linking | External Linking With A New Open Windows
If your site is old, and you have written so many articles and the written articles belong to the same niche, then it becomes easy to interlink each other.
It lowers the bounce rate as the person clicks on many websites as well as it increases Avg. Duration Time of your website.
It also helps in ranking.
Check the example of Wikipedia that uses a lot of internal linking. You keep clicking the anchor texts in order to learn more, in this way, bounce rate reduces to a greater extent.
You should use the external link as well, but it should be opened in a new window otherwise your website will close that will be counted as a bounce.
2. Short Paragraph with Sub-headings and Bullet points
I love the article that has sub-headings because it makes easy to read the article.
If a person likes a thing, then you must have knowledge that Google likes that thing too. That's why it's said: "you should write for the users, not the search engine."
I have seen many websites of this group on which long paragraph are written.
People like to read short paragraphs. If you visit Backlinko, he uses the same way, and its bounce rate is below 45 shown one of his articles.
|| "Spin Content Software cannot do it! They can't write such an engaging article with short paragraphs." ||
|| "Spin Content Software cannot do it! They can't write such an engaging article with short paragraphs." ||
If your article writer is writing long paragraphs, then it's time to change his perception.
3. Intent Based Keywords
Yep! It's right that if you're not targeting the right keywords based on real intent, then you're bringing wrong visitors that will make the bounce rate of your website a lot higher.
The same goes for the social sharing, if you're not sharing your articles for the right niche in the right groups, you will waste your time and money.
It also shows that if you're ranking a keyword that is not fulfilling the intent of the keyword, even you rank that article, it will have more harm than good.
4. Fix Broken Links
If you haven't done an audit of your website that shows all the errors of your website, then you may get into hot water.
You must check all the broken links on your website, then fix that because it makes user exit the rate that makes the bounce rate higher.
5. Font Size. Color. Logo. Theme.
It's true that I don't like to read an article on a website that has too small font size as well as it has so strange color.
There are so many in this group who don't care. Their font is so strange as if letters seem mixed with each other.
Please visit BBC Future, Propakistani,, and check the font size and font style by going to inspect element. I will show in this weekend video.
6. Speed Up the Page | Good Hosting | Optimized Images
It's time to speed up your website so that users don't leave your website because of slow site speed.
If your article is loading slow, then use CDN that makes your site's load time lower as well as use optimized images of low size so that it can be loaded fast.
There are a lot of other ways to reduce that, but for this, these are the critical ones.